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Optimizing Your Small Business Website For Success in a Challenging Economy

As a small business owner, managing your website during challenging economic times is essential to keeping your business afloat. With inflation and borrowing rates at an all-time high, using the tools and resources you already know will help you with your small business website optimization.

We list four tools you can easily use and others you may need to hire a web developer to help.

women sitting at a desk with computer and holding credit card looking stressed for financial hardship

Update Your Website

A great first step in your small business website optimization journey is to ensure your website is up-to-date and running smoothly. One such way includes establishing the website is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO ensures that your website is found easily when customers search for products and service your business offers.

Additionally, you need to design or redesign your website to be mobile-friendly, as many customers use their smartphones to purchase and access information.

Content Creation for Optimized Websites

Quality content relevant to your target customers is essential for attracting and engaging customers.

Ensure your website’s content is regularly updated with fresh and relevant content about your products and services. This will help keep your website fresh and engaging for potential customers.

Additionally, ensure your website is easy to navigate and includes a clear call-to-action.

Using Social Media to Optimize Your Website

Finally, you must leverage social media to promote your business. Social media is a great way to engage with potential customers and drive traffic to your website.

Actively post on social media to engage with customers to maximize your reach and drive leads to your website.

Use A Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Small Business Website Optimization

Utilizing a CDN can greatly improve website performance. A CDN stores copies of static files (like images, CSS, and JavaScript) across multiple servers worldwide. This way, when a user visits your website from a certain region, they can access the content more quickly because it is delivered from a server closer to them.

Enable Compression

Compression is a great way to reduce the size of your web pages and style sheets. This can help improve your website’s speed and reduce the bandwidth used.

Minify Resources

Minifying resources is the process of removing unnecessary characters from code to reduce the size of files and improve website performance.

Leverage Browser Caching

Browser caching allows web browsers to store website resources (like images, CSS, and JavaScript) locally on a user’s computer. This way, when a user visits your website, their browser can quickly access the resources without re-downloading them.

Optimize Images for Small Business Website Optimization

Images are an important part of any website but can greatly slow page loading time. Optimizing images for the web can help reduce file size and improve loading times.

Optimizing images will be one of the best things to help optimize your small business website.

Source: Google WebP

Reduce Redirects

Redirects point users to the correct version of a page (e.g., example.com to www.example.com). Too many redirects can slow down a website, so minimizing the number of redirects used is important.

Improve Server Response Time

Server response time is when it takes a server to respond to a user’s request. This should be as low as possible in order to improve website performance.

Use a Web Performance Optimization (WPO) Tool for Small Business Website Optimization

WPO tools (i.e., Google Pagespeed) can help you monitor and improve your website’s performance. These tools can provide a variety of insights and recommendations on how to optimize your website.

With the economic climate, it’s more important than ever for small business owners to invest in their websites. Optimizing your website can help you keep up with the competition and ensure your business remains successful despite the challenging economic environment.

Our tools and resources help you get the most out of your website without hiring a full-time web developer. From easy-to-use tools to more complex options requiring professional assistance, we have all the resources you need to ensure your small business website is optimized for success.

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